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CAD/CAM Defined
CAD: The use of computer systems to assist cause CAD/CAM allows designers to focus more on actual design problems and less on time-consuming, nonproductive tasks, product quality improves with CAD/CAM.
labor-intensive tasks are performed by the computer, fewer design errors occur. These all lead to better product quality.
(3)Better Communication
Design documents such as drawings, parts lists, bills of material, and specifications are tools used to communicate the design to those who will manufacture it.
Because CAD/CAM leads to more uniform, standardized, and accurate documentation, it improves communication.
(4)Common Database
With CAD/CAM, the data generated during the design of a product can be used in producing the product.
This sharing of a common database helps to eliminate the age-old "wall" separating the design and manufacturing functions
(5) Reduced Prototype Costs
With CAD/CAM, 3-D computer models can reduce and, in some cases, eliminate the need for building expensive prototypes. Such CAD/CAM capabilities as solids modeling allow designers to substitute computer models for prototypes in many cases.
(6)Faster Response to Customers
Response time is critical in manufacturing. By shortening the overall design cycle and improving communication between the design and manufacturing components, CAD/CAM can improve a company's response time.
All design tasks accomplished using a computer fall into one of four broad categories:
(1)Design Modeling
In CAD/CAM design modeling, a geometric model of a product is developed that describes the part mathematically. The geometric model also allows the graphic image to be easily edited and manipulated once displayed.
Computers and Design
(2) Design Analysis
Once a proposed design has been developed, it is necessary to analyze how it will stand up to the conditions to which it will be subjected. Such analysis methods as heat


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