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爱能罗格列酮片—说明书(Love Rosiglitazone Tablets.doc

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爱能罗格列酮片—说明书(Love Rosiglitazone Tablets.doc

上传人:pppccc8 2022/6/16 文件大小:84 KB


爱能罗格列酮片—说明书(Love Rosiglitazone Tablets.doc



文档介绍:爱能罗格列***片—说明书(Love Rosiglitazone Tablets _
Single drug treatment: the initial dosage of this product is 4 toring of liver function (see note section). This product is not to be taken apart.
[ADR] according to foreign research data reported in clinical trials, 4600 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus receiving rosigl it azone t rea tm ent, 3300 of t hem for more t han 6 mon ths, 2000 people for more t han 12 mon ths. Because rosiglitazone has the same active ingredients as this product, the domestic clinical research shows that both of them have similar safety, so the adverse reactions can be referred to the data of rosiglitazone maleate. Rosiglitazone alone and in combination with other oral antidiabetic agents, a small number of patients with rosiglitazone have mild, moderate anemia and edema, but do not interrupt rosiglitazone treatment. Double blind test, the incidence of anemia was: 1. 9% in the rosiglitazone group, 0. 7% in the placebo group, sulfonylurea metformin group 0. 6%, group 2. 2%: the incidence of edema were: 4. 8% in the rosiglitazone group, placebo group 1. 3%, sulfonylurea metformin group 1%, group %. The adverse effects of rosiglitazone in combination with sulfonylureas or metformin were similar to those of rosiglitazone alone. Rosiglitazone combined with metformin, the incidence of anemia was 7. 1%, significantly higher than that of sing


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