文档介绍:Pu'er tea ? The cultural history of Pu'er Tea. ? It’ s a way to good health. ? The deferent Kinds of Pu'er Tea Products. ? How to drink fine Pu'er Tea. Cultural history Cultural history ?? Pu'er Pu'er Tea Tea tea tea was originally named was originally named by its central trading area, in 1729 by its central trading area, in 1729 Qing Qing government had first government had first established an administrative zone established an administrative zone named named Pu'er Pu'er Tea zone in Tea zone in Yunnan Yunnan .( .( 普普洱茶以其集贸中心之普洱地区命名,千百年洱茶以其集贸中心之普洱地区命名,千百年来,其独特的韵味享誉古今中外来,其独特的韵味享誉古今中外) ) ??从从 20 20 世纪世纪 70 70 年代,港、澳、台、日、年代,港、澳、台、日、韩等国掀起的普洱茶热韩等国掀起的普洱茶热?另由于历史上普洱县交通不便,运输只好靠马帮,经茶马古道外运, 为便于运输将茶叶制成团、砖、饼等形状之紧茶,且在越区运输、储藏过程中,茶叶产生后发酵( unique second fermenting tea ),形成了独特的陈香味( unique crusted fragrance) 和药用保健功效。 Health care function ?性温味甘,解油腻,排毒,下气通泄 cleans the intestines to help releases. ?降血脂 Reduced the blood fat ?普洱茶对高胆固醇血症(high cholesterol blood sickness) 有明显的治疗作用? Pu'er Tea can be divided in ? the antique tea 古董茶(before 1938), ? the labeling tea 印级茶(from 1938 to 1967), ? the Chitse cake tea 七子饼(since 1967 up till now ) and so on, ? and then still c