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上传人:非学无以广才 2022/6/17 文件大小:12 KB





  个人简历中的内容最佳控制到一页的字数,简历中的字就用宋体,字号就用小四号或五号。简历中的封面千万不要设计的五花八门,封面可以没有,如果有的话要简朴大方,不要把自己的生活照展目前上面,像是给自己宣传海报似得。erator, lawn mower, water pump and some of which have CE/CARB. It’s a leader in this field and its products are sold to all over the world, the main market is America and the developing countries. Subsidiary companies are located on America, Peru, Namibia, Vietnam and so on. I am in xxGroup Shanghai Branch and my responsibility is products exporting, maintenance old customers and find new or potential customers.
Sales Manager,
1, mainly in charge of selling products, . gasoline engine, diesel engine, generator, pump, etc to global customers. of goods has been sold when I am on the position.
2, finish agency tasks independently, help the company export their products like garments and auto parts. of goods has been sold and keep the good relationship with customers for sure that everything goes successfully.
3, maintenance the old customers and find new or potential customers02 08Wujiang xxxMetal Parts Co.,Ltd
Marketing Department / Project Manager / FulltimeIt is a manufacturer and exporting company and main products are auto parts, water cooling tank, cylinder etc which have ISO9001. Main customers: Chery, Geely, Valeo,Modine etc.
Project Manager,
I was in charge of the Valeo Project which is RD, producing and keep


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