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文档介绍:普通生物学专业英语论文河南师范大学新联学院 2011 级生物技术李钦 ********** Harbin institute of technology biotechnology professional thesis ically modified food safety Abstract: In the 20th century is called the age of life science and biotechnology , People have to share to the biological high-tech brings a lot of convenience , And look forward to them to prevent the disease, improve the nutrition level, improve the quality of life, meet the needs of the family, bring more benefits to extend the healthy life, etc . In the meantime , however , It has been strongly felt Biological h igh-tech challenge to traditional moral and ethical system, Seeing or fe eling to the resultant of the society and legal . As we allknow , modern biotechnology has brought human numerous benefits : through the application of biotechnology ,a broad and significant increase of food production can be happily seen at global agricultural production . But when we enjoy the enormous benefits of the GM food ,a new but a alarming problem also came that if these food is safe enough for people? If something seriously happened , what can we do? Maybe you can find some answer in these thesis. Key Word : modern biotechnology GM food safety One: introduction What is biotechnology ? maybe not too mang people know is definition accurately . biotechnology isa technology which can reform and make the use of natural lives on the ingredient of them