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文档介绍:马克思主义原理(The principle of Marx doctrine)
50 years ago, when Marx and Engels published the "Communist Manifesto”, accordiroductivity level of human society. At the same time also pointed out that the inherent defects and drawbacks of capitalism are gradually exposed, it is the relationship between man and man into a mere money relationship, the property again gathered in the hands of a few people, it has become increasingly prominent contradictions and the proletariat, for the development of the productive forces more and more. The proletariat is opposite class bourgeoisie, has been showing its unique advanced, they struggle against the bourgeoisie and began their existence: the proletariat have their own personal interests, because they have no means of production; they big industrial revolutions and activities to exercise through the machine, to achieve the hitherto unknown unity, the revolution must aim for the vast majority of people's interests, and ultimately the liberation of all mankind,
At the same time, the declaration also made a lively discussion of the historical process of capitalist development, made a profound exposition of its development and made a scientific evaluation of the historical status of capitalism. Socialism and capitalism are two different social systems with historical connections. As the first socialist victory in underdeveloped countries, modern