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八年级 英语试卷
(时间:90分钟 分值:100分)
第一节:听短对话答题,下面你将听到5段短对话。请根据对话内容选择能回 答所给问题的最A. Drawing.
B. Taking photos.
C. singing.
)18. Which is the girl's favorite city?
A. Chicago
B. New York.
C. San Francisco.
C. Take photos on the beach.
)19. What will the girl do in Australia?
A. Have a sightseeing B. See the wild animals.
)20. Where will the girl stay longest
A. In Australia.
B. In Japan.
C. In America..
( )21.-How is film you saw last night?
—You mean one, Lost in Thailand^《人再冏途之泰冏》)? Thafs
A. a; the B. the; the C. the; / D. /; the
( )22. Lucy always finishes her homework on time,and she leaves it until
A. always B. sometimes C. never D. usually
( )23.—I think Cindy is student in our class.
—I don't think so. Linda is than her.
A. smarter; smarter B. smarter; the smartest
C. the smartest; the smartest D. the smartest; smarter
( ) mother is ill .1 have to her in hospital.
A. look at B. look for C. look after D. look up
( )25.—Will you take the T-shirt ?
—No, it is small for me wear.
; that ; to ; to ; that
( )26. There will be pollution and trees in the future ,1 believe.
more more less ; less
( )27 With Xiao Ming's help, Jack does his homework than before.
more careful B. more careful
C. much more carefully D. much carefully
( )28. You must be hungry after playing sports for a long time eating
anything .
C. for
( ) she a cook ,1 believe she lots of delicious food for us.
;cooks ;cooked ; cooks ; will cook
( ) can't play soccer you finish your homework.
B. so
( ) love the news .1 think it is.
B. meaningless C. educational
( )32. -Let's go for vacation next month.
—That's great.
A. somewhere interesting B. anywhere interesting


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