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文档介绍:General brick masonry process (一般砖墙砌筑工艺)
The process standard is applicable to masonry projects of brick concrete, outeg, masonry wall test
2: watering brick clay brick must be watered the day before laying wet, generally water immersion brick four should be 1. 5m, the moisture content is 10% ~ 15%, normal construction shall not be used dry brick wall: the rainy season may not use the moisture saturated brick walls: difficult winter watering, must be increased when mortar consistency.
: mortar mixing ratio should be used with the weight ratio of cement mortar, the measuring accuracy is + 2%, sand, plaster is controlled in the range of 5%. Use mechanical agitation, mixing time is not less than 1. 5min.
brick walls:
Group 3. 4. 1 masonry method: masonry generally use a one by one (full Ding, full bar), plum or three, one by one. The brick column shall not be cored by a method of setting all sides before filling.
4. 2 (bottom row of brick by brick wall dry swing) : the first layer of brick on the bottom, two rows of brick gable Ding, before and after the vertical wall brick row eaves. According to the location of the door and window of the door and window, check the size of Liao Jianqiang and pile carefully, and whether or not the length conforms to the modulus of row brick. If the modulus does not conform to the modulus, the position of the door window can be moved left and right. In case of broken work, seven separate or diced bricks shall be placed in the middle of the window, attached to the wall or other areas which are not visible. When moving the door window, attention should be paid to the installation of warm risers and the opening of doors and windows. In addition, in the row of brick, but also consider the door window above the brick wall is closed, there is no break. So row brick must do overall consideration, before and after the eaves wall row of the first skin brick, to consider the window behind the brick, window angle must be seven, respectively,


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