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上传人:圭圭 2022/6/22 文件大小:35 KB




作为徐旭的数学教师同时负责学校学生活动处的工作负责协调和帮助学生会的工作。我很开心将她引荐给你们e of the most excellent students in my teaching career of 10 years. I found that xxx has a strong expertise in mathematics, especially in solving mathematical problem during my teaching process. To be specific, first and foremost, she is intelligent and talented in mathematics. In other words, her calculation ability is powerful. And her calculation speed is noticeable. It is worthwhile to mention that the accuracy rate is up to percent 101 in general. Secondly, xxxx is high sensitivity to numbers, and her thinking capability of space and logic are more outstanding in our class, which naturally makes her analysis thinking extremely rigorous and meticulous.
On the other hand, Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspirations. xxx not only has a talent in math, but also is very diligent. She always works hard to constantly pursue and explore the knowledge as well as the exact answers to problems. For example, after class I often was asked the some questions beyond her grade by her. Moreover, she always does all in her full strength to finish the homework carefully. In particular, it is surprised for me that xxx usually uses several different methods to solve the same problem from different angles.

What’s more, she also has developed some good habits of learning especially in mathematics. First of all, she is extremely crazy about data analysis, and summing up the difficult case. Before class, she usually previews the course carefully. At the same time, she has a habit of collecting
and classifying the difficult questions after class. Secondly, xxx is skillful at creative thinking. The best favorable evidence for this point is that she prefers to use a variet


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