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全球变暖的英语作文 globalwarming4篇.docx

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全球变暖的英语作文 globalwarming4篇.docx

上传人:文秘资料站 2022/6/22 文件大小:38 KB


全球变暖的英语作文 globalwarming4篇.docx



关于”全球变暖“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:global warming。以下是关于全球变暖的七年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。
关于”全球变暖“的英语作文范文4obal warming? give your advice and reasons.
the earth's temperature is changing rapidly, so there are many climate changes, such as heat waves, droughts and floods. scientists believe that this is human activity as a result, if governments don't take action to help prevent global warming, it could be a disaster. they can act in three ways: supporting research, laws and the public aware of the situation first.
s can support research. for example, they should encourage companies to develop less polluting cars. they should also support alternative energy sources for wind and water instead of oil and coal, they should organize meetings to discuss the impact of greenhouse gas emissions and possible solutions.
second, they should enact laws to limit the amount of greenhouse gases that companies emit. private companies should be rewarded for complying with these laws, and they should be punished for creating pollution. finally, everyone is affected by global warming.
therefore, the government should involve individuals in the problem-solving process, which is very important to encourage families to use more efficient light bulbs or less hot water to save energy as much as possible. they should also encourage the public to recycle, which is mandatory for everyone.