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关于南京的英语作文 nanjing3篇.docx

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关于南京的英语作文 nanjing3篇.docx

上传人:文秘资料站 2022/6/22 文件大小:38 KB


关于南京的英语作文 nanjing3篇.docx


关于”南京“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:nanjing。以下是关于 one thing i feel very sorry for. unfortunately, many public telephone booths on the streets of nanjing have been damaged, and most of these damages are intentionally caused by some people who are good at destroying public property, such as in some extreme cases, the receiver is cut off or accidentally damaged, and the telephone booth is burned to ashes.
obviously, the establishment of a telephone booth adds a lot of modern color to the old city area, which represents the improvement of the telecommunication in nanjing. the most important thing is that these public facilities make the communication between people cheap and convenient. this is a great project beneficial to the public, and they should be protected it's very important to be in good condition and ready to use, because it reflects the civilization of a city in the eyes of tourists.
i think that the relevant departments should strictly manage these facilities, and timely clean and properly maintain them. the media should carry out a comprehensive publicity campaign to make people realize the necessity of protecting and caring for public facilities. in some western countries, people who intentionally destroy public telephones will be punished heavily and even bear criminal responsibility.
in this


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