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第一局部 听力〔共两节,总分值30分〕
第一节 〔共5小题: pictures.
12. How much does the woman spend in the end?
A. $. B. $. C. $.
13. What is the man’s trouble?
A. He lost all his data in his work. B. He can’t find his data in the computer.
C. His computer has broken down in the middle of his work.
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14. How can the man find back his data?
A. Asking for help from the computer suggested by the woman.
B. Switching off his computer. C. Changing an advanced antivirus (杀毒) software.
15. What does the woman suggest the man do when he’s calling the company?
A. Try again before switching off the computer. B. Refer to her name when speaking to Kit.
C. Mention his computer’s name.
16. What is the company’s telephone number?
A. 0238-356-789. B. 0208-346-789. C. 0208-356-739.
17. What is intelligence according to this passage?
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A. The ability to study well. B. The ability to get high scores on some tests.
C. The ability to deal with life.
18. What will an intelligent person do when meeting a new situation?
A. Care more about what might happen to him. B. Concentrate on what to do about the situation.
C. Care more about himself.
19. What will an intelligent person do if he fails?
A. Learn from his mistakes. B. Try not to feel ashamed. C. Regret as much as possible.
20. Which is NOT the quality of a bright child?
A. Building a wall between him and life. B. Trying to find out about life.
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C. Having a special outlook(观点) on life.
第二局部 阅读理解〔共两节,总分值35分〕
第一节 〔共10小题:,总分值25分〕
When I was growing up, I had an old neighbor named Doctor Gibbs. He didn't look like any doctor I'


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