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文档介绍:Hi, my name is Ken Abel and I live in Carlton Colville, Suffolk in the UK. I have been growing and showing Pelargoniums 点是在亨曼比社区中心。今年天气再次扮演了一个关键的因素,天竺葵提早开花了。二十位的参展人是值得被表扬的,他们为了将共394盆植物展示在展示台付出了巨大努力。这是一个梦幻般的表演作为全国最好的天竺葵展览,(在我看来),”茶点也是很好哒”。
Congratulations to Ron and his hard working band of helpers for staging a terrific 。
2013 The show this year was on Sunday 23rd June, at Hunmanby Community Centre. Taking into account the way the weather has affected plants this year the show was an incredible achievement for the amount of exhibits and the quality of the plants. Well done to all fellow members and exhibitors  who helped once again to make this show a FLORAL EXTRAVAGANZA . 
2012 The Show this year was outstanding and a credit to all the members who had a hand in making it the great success it was.  Well done to all the Exhibitors who put some great plants onto the show benches, this was easily the highlight of my showing season and I cannot praise it enough.
a show this year, well done to all who helped to make the day the great success it was. Taking into account the difficult growing conditions experienced this year, there were plenty of quality plants on the show bench.
2010. This show did not disappoint.  Plenty of quality plants filled the hall, and to me was easily on par with the PAGS National Show held at Capel Manor.
2009 Looking foward to exhibiting here again, as it was a cracking show this year.
Pelargonium Basics 天竺葵基础知识
This page shows the versatility of our favourite plant by classifying the many different types of Pelargoniums that are available along with some descriptions and photographs.
Zonal Pelargoniums (Pelargonium x hortorum). 带状天竺葵(香叶X hortorum)。
(1)Zonal P


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