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上传人:小博士 2022/6/24 文件大小:76 KB




文档介绍:爱乐之城La. La. Land中英对照剧本
加利福尼亚南部 It's another hot, sunny day today
又迎来酷热晴朗的一天 here in Southern California.
今日 洛杉矶市区气温最高w if they were there.
他们肯定去了 I bet they were.
干嘛都挤在浴室开会 Why is there a convention in the bathroom?
还有两分钟 各位Two minutes, people.
米娅 你也去 对吧 Mia, you're coming, right?
去不了 得工作 I can't! I'm working.
什么 What?
她是说'工作'么 Did she just say "working"?
干嘛 What?
今天试镜不顺利我很遗憾I'm sorry it didn't go well today
我邮箱里有四个试镜 绝对适合你 and there*s four things in my inbox that you're perfect for
我到时候把你简历发过去 不过现在 你得跟我们去and I will submit you. But right now you're coming!
保证好玩儿Itll be fun.
才不好玩儿呢 兴许好玩儿呢It's not gonna be fun. It could be.
不可能 肯定是一群削尖脑袋想往上爬的人It's not. It's gonna be a bunch of social climbers
挤在那些大玻璃房儿里 all packed into one of those big glass houses.
这衣服好眼熟 This looks familiar.
我正打算还来着 你借了 多久了 I was gonna give that back. How long have you had this?
挺久了 走嘛 米娅 A long time. Come on, Mia.
其他时候就算你想听 When else are you gonna get to see
这帮莱坞的人在那儿陈词滥调也没处听every Hollywood cliche crammed into the same room?
咱们就一块儿去嘲笑他们嘛 We'll make fun of it together!
你太让我失望了 莱克斯 I'm disappointed in you, Lex.
这有什么好笑的 There*s nothing to make fun of.
这可是人类精英界的聚会 This party's gonna be humanity at its finest.
哦 保佑我们吧 Oh, god help us all!
嘿 妞儿 Hey, girl!
不会吧No, no.
哦天呐 Oh, come on! What?
啊 Ahh!
求你能别总偷摸儿跑进我家里行么Please stop sneaking into my home.
你觉得爸妈会管这窝棚叫家么You think mom or dad would call this a home?
你干嘛呢 What are you doing?
别坐这上 别坐在这上头 Please don't do that. Please don't sit on that.
你在逗我么 Are you kidding?
别坐这儿 别坐这上面 Please don't sit on that. Don't sit on that.
别坐这上边这是霍奇•卡迈克尔坐过的凳子Don't sit on that. Hoagy Carmichael sat on that!
哦 妈呀 Oh, my god!
薯片扔一边去 The baked potato just threw it away.
我真想不明白 I can't imagine why.
你就这么一屁股坐在这上头And now you're just sitting on it.
我给你拿了块儿小地毯I got you a throw rug.
我不需要 I don't need that.
要是我告诉你迈尔斯•戴维斯在上面撒过尿呢What if I said miles Davis pissed on it?
这是侮辱人 真的假的 It's almost insulting. Is it true?
你到底什么时候把箱子里的东西拿出来When are you gonn