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英语测试理论与实践 毕业论文.doc

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英语测试理论与实践 毕业论文.doc

上传人:酒酿小樱桃 2017/5/24 文件大小:57 KB


英语测试理论与实践 毕业论文.doc


文档介绍:英语测试理论与实践中文摘要英语语言测试是教学中不可缺少的重要环节, 它在英语教学评估中占有非常重要的地位, 是检测、调整和改进教学的重要手段和依据。英语测试应该有效地反映英语教学的效果和学生对英语的掌握能力。好的测试对于学****者有激励和促进的作用, 然而低质量的测试只能使学生对英语学****失去兴趣。探讨语言测试的发展过程, 了解各个阶段的测试特点, 对于我们进一步明确教学目标,把握好测试的内容和手段,具有不可低估的指导意义。本文拟从以下五个方面来探讨英语测试理论及实践: 一是引言部分, 对这一话题进行总的概述; 二是英语语言测试理论的综述, 主要包括测试理论的类型和测试的基本要素; 三是对 2012 年安徽省英语高考试卷进行评析; 四是探讨完型填空的出题技巧, 作为检验考生综合运用英语语言知识能力最重要的测试形式之一, 完形测试广泛应用于各类测试中。格式塔心理学、冗余信息理论和预期语法说为完形测试提供了理论基础;最后一部分是小结。关键词: 英语测试;英语测试理论;完型填空命题技巧 English Testing Theory and Practice Abstract English language testing is an important and indispensable link in the teaching progress, which occupies a very important position in English teaching assessment. What ’s more, it isa significance means and basis for inspection, adjustment and improvement of teaching. English testing effectively reflects the result of English teaching and students' mastery of English. A good testing is to encourage and promote its learners, however, a low quality test will make students lose their interest in learning English. It isof great significance to further study the development process of language testing and toknow the characteristics of each stage to define the teaching goal and to grasp the contents and approaches of these tests. This paper aims to explore the English testing theory and practice from the following five aspects: the first part is about the general introduction of this topic; the second is the review of English language testing theory, including the basic elements of this theory and its types; the third is ment on the papers of college entrance English examination in2012 in Anhui Province; the fourth discusses the skills when designing Cloze questions. As one of the most important forms of testing in detecting the integrated use of English language ability, cloze test is widely employed in various kinds of tests. Gestalt psychology, redundancy information theory and expectation grammar theory provides theoretical basis for the cloze test; the last part isa reasonable conclusion


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