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语块理论在英语口语教学中的应用 Application of the Lexical Chunks to the Oral English Teaching.doc

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语块理论在英语口语教学中的应用 Application of the Lexical Chunks to the Oral English Teaching.doc

上传人:酒酿小樱桃 2017/5/24 文件大小:58 KB


语块理论在英语口语教学中的应用 Application of the Lexical Chunks to the Oral English Teaching.doc



文档介绍:语块理论在英语口语教学中的应用 Application of the Lexical Chunks to the Oral English Teaching Abstract It is widely recognized that lexical chunks play an important role in second language acquisition. Lexical chunks are set of language parts which appear in a high frequency in natural language. Lexical chunks are phrases or some syntactic structures on the sentence level and are featured bya high degree of fixed structure and meaning. These lexical chunks are stored in the human in form of the whole and can help to turn plex syntactic analysis into relatively simple chunk processing, thus facilitate language processing and use and ease the pressure of language production. As a result, language learners ’ oral English proficiency can be greatly improved. The theory of lexical chunks in the teaching emphasis on language input bined with the specific context, not simple form of language teaching, but plementary development municative approach, isa new way of spoken English teaching. So in order to improve the students ’ spoken English in fluency and accuracy, we should make students play their subjective initiative, accumulate more lexical chunks, use the language frequently in oral English teaching. Keywords: lexical chunk, oral English proficiency, oral English teaching 语块理论在英语口语教学中的应用摘要近年来, 语块在二语****得中所发挥的作用得到了广泛的认可。语块是在自然话语中高频率出现的, 由短语或者其他句法单位构成的大于单词, 且语义和形式都较为固定的语言片段,语块以整体的形式预存在人的大脑中。它集中了语法、语义和语境的优势, 便利了话语的组织及应用过程, 减轻了语言使用者的现时语言处理负担。语块的****得对于英语学****者口语输出的流利度、准确度均有推动作用。语块理论在教学上强调语言的输入与具体语境的结合,不是单纯的语言形式教学,而是对交际法的补充发展,是英语口语课堂教学的一条新途径。因此, 在口语课堂教学中要让学生发挥其主观能动性, 多积累, 多使用语块, 增进其口语表达的地道性、流利性及准确性,以提高其英语口语水平。关键词:语块,口语能力,口语教学 Contents Abstract I摘要 II1 Introduction Background of the study 1 Significance of the study 2 2 Literature Review Introduction to lexical chunk 3 Definition of lexical chunk 3 Classification of lexical chunk 4 Functions of lexical chunk 6 An overview of oral English skills 8 General elements of oral English skills 8 General feat


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