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文档介绍:一、选择题(201 0?陕西省,29,1) The _____ _frie nds youhave,the______y ou wi llbe. ore;h appy ny;ha ppy e;hap pier y;hap pier 【答案】 C(201 0?山东省莱芜市, 19,1)- --I'm ____ __, m um. C anI have somet hing todr ink? -- -OK. Here' s som e col a. A. full B. hea vyC. hun gry D. thi rsty 【答案】 D(201 0?山东省菏泽市, 23,1)W hich is the___ ____ way to Qin gdao, byp lane, bus or tr ain? A. good B. well etter est 【答案】 D(2010 ?贵州省铜仁市, 29,1) Study h ard! ____ you s tudy, ____ resu ltsyou’ ll get. arder ; bet ter B. Th e har der; bette . The hard er;thebe tter rder; the b etter . 【答案】C(2010? 新疆省阜康市, 23,1)() The O lympi c Gam es wa s bel d___ _____ __Aug ust 8,2008 inB eijin g. C .at o【答案】 A(2010? 广西省梧州市,33,1) The weath erhe re is very hot_ _____ _summ er. A .at n 【答案】 C( 2010? 新疆省阜康市, 30, 1) () He ran ver y fas t___ ____h e cou ld ca tch up wit h oth ers. order that B. inor der to C. so as to orde r【答案】A(2010? 吉林省通化市, 40,1) Tak ing b uses in Be ijing is__ ____t han t aking a ta xi. A .more chea p uch c heape r litt le ch eap D .less chea per 【答案】 B( 2010 ?湖北省荆州市, 18, 1) — Which prov ince is the___ _____ one in wi nter? — It shou ldbe Hain an Pr ovinc e,I think . A. colde tter C. warm estD. co oler 【答案】 C (201 ,28 . 1)I don ’t thi nk lo oking afte r chi ldren isj ust wor k. A. woma n B. woman ’s C. wome n D. women ’s 【答案】 D(2010 .河北省卷,34. 1) So metim es wa lking ise ven tha n dri ving durin g the busy traf fict ime. A. fa st B. fast er C. slow lower 【答案】 B(2010? 浙江省杭州市, 24,1) Remem ber to spe nd so me ti me ______ your loved ones , bec ause they ’ renot goi ng tobea round fore ver. A. from B. wi th C. in 【答案】 D(2010? 山东省滨州市, 23,1)23. You’d bette rnot alwa ys lookup the new w ords _____ _____ __ the dic tiona ry wh iler eadin g. So metim es we need tog uess. A. in C. at D. from 【答案】 A( 201 0?四川省巴中市, 41, 1) _____t he af terno onof Apri l30t h,man y for eign visit ors a rrive d___S hangh ai.


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