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[2022七年级英语下册教案人教版] 2022七年级下册英语书.docx

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[2022七年级英语下册教案人教版] 2022七年级下册英语书.docx

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[2022七年级英语下册教案人教版] 2022七年级下册英语书.docx


[2022七年级英语下册教案人教版] 2022七年级下册英语书

  2022人教版七年d answer questions. Give Ss a model:

  A: Is the man swimming in the river?
  B: No, he isnt. Hes swimming in a pool.
  2. Ss work with their partners. Ask and answer about the pictures. (If necessary, give some help to the Ss.)
  3. Let some pairs ask and answer about the pictures.
  Ⅴ. Listening
  Work on 1c:
  1. T: Now I will play a recording of a conversation. This time write the places you hear in the chart.
  2. Ss listen and write the places.
  3. Play the recording again for the Ss to check the answers.
  Ⅵ. Listening
  Work on 1d:
  1. This time, please listen to the recording and write the activities you hear in the chart.

  2. Play recording and stop the tape if necessary.
  3. Play the whole recording and have students write the words they hear in the chart.
  4. Check the answers.
  Ⅶ. Pairwork
  1. Now lets make a conversation using the information in the chart.
  Ask some Ss to give a model:
  S1: Is Alice playing basketball?
  S2: No, she isnt. Shes
  2. Ss work with their partners and make their conversations.
  3. Let some Ss act out their conversation.
  Ⅷ. Presentation
  1. Show some photos about Dragon Boat Day and zongzi. Let some Ss tell something they know about the customs of this festival.
  2. Present some new words and expressions in the article.

  Ⅸ. Reading
  1. Fast Reading
  Read the article and answer the two questions.
  ① Why are Zhu Huis family watching boat race and making zongzi?
  ② Does Zhu Hui l


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