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  Madonna Ciccone (Mys audition, which was favored by Seymour Stein, president of the future owner of Sire Records, and published his first album Madonna named after her.
  In 11014, Madonnas second album, Like a Virgin, was released, and then began her first tour. In the same year, Madonna and Rosa were starred in mysterious dating and participated in the David Rabes Goose and Tom-Tom stage performances.
  In 11015, Madonna in the first MTV awards ceremony with white underwear and Boy Toy metal waist ring shape singing Like A Virgin, and in April the same year in the 80 days of the United States 10 states Virgin Tour concert The
  August 11016, Madonnas third album real melancholy won the national album five weeks champion. In the same year, Madonna and Sean Pan co-starred in the thriller Shanghai Jingqing.
  In 11017, Madonna held a film premiere at the New York Times Square and began his first world tour in Osaka, Japan, in June of the same year.

  In 11018, Madonna participated in the Broadway stage Speed The Plow performance, poor performance, Madonna later also regret that seasons performance.
  January 11011, Madonna in the 18th National Music Awards, with a fashion to win the most popular dance award.
  In 11012, Madonna self-organized Warners subsidiary Maverick, began to record the role of the boss to operate the record market. The artists who later signed include Alanis Molly Seth, Olive and so on. And the publication from the album to the film and publishing industry.
  In 11015, Madonnas Take A Bow to the Spanish southern town of Ronda shooting, because of bulls and environmentalists protested. Hold the pajamas party for the Bedtime Story singles. Vote for the worlds top fifty popular actress first. Won the VH1 Fashion Award Best


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