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公司简介英文版 Hm英文版公司简介.docx

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公司简介英文版 Hm英文版公司简介.docx

上传人:zongzong 2022/6/26 文件大小:22 KB


公司简介英文版 Hm英文版公司简介.docx



公司简介英文版 Hm英文版公司简介
  HM (Hennes shion industry master class master, from Chanels Karl Lagerfeld, cooperation between them in the fashion industry set off a huge waves. Because the original price of the master design, everyone can afford, young people are able to wear printed with Karl Lagerfeld For H M Logo clothes and ecstatic.

  Karl, H M also invited star designer Stella McCartney and fashion genius level group Viktor Rolf launched like a high-level custom-like limited series of fashion, consumers can see a lot of exquisite details of the design and processing, with their name Brand compared to a little more popular feeling, and the series is quite rich. So it led to the brand Fans queuing up overnight, the product sold day by day unprecedented spectacular.
  H M and the designers of the cooperation rose to join the Madonna and Kylie Minogue two world super-line star involved in the design and endorsement M by Madonna and H M Loves Kylie two series. Even more exciting is that you do not have to buy these two series of clothing and hope to travel abroad, the first H M China store has been in Shanghai Huaihai Road high-profile kicked off, the second H M China store also Started in Chengdu Chunxi Road. It is estimated that in the near future, open the Chinese fashion peoples wardrobe, you will certainly no exception to find that familiar and lovely English Logo - H M!

  brand history
  H M is headquartered in Stockholm, the companys major functional departments such as the design and procurement department, finance department, finance department, development department, display design department, advertising department, public relations department, personnel department, logistics department


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