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军人思想品德英文自我评价 思想品德自我评价.docx

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军人思想品德英文自我评价 思想品德自我评价.docx

上传人:zongzong 2022/6/26 文件大小:22 KB


军人思想品德英文自我评价 思想品德自我评价.docx


军人思想品德英文自我评价 思想品德自我评价
  5 years of military carowledge.

  Enlisted for eighteen years, long-term work in the military-level organs, not only understand the organs of the staff and departmental leadership experience. In each post can be strict demands on themselves, conscientiously perform their duties, better completed the leadership to the various tasks, political firm and pure, repeatedly been commended.
  Good organization and coordination. At the grass-roots level and organs worked for a long time, has accumulated a lot of management experience, the organs of skilled work, training a strong analytical ability, operational planning ability, communication skills, interpersonal coordination, organizational planning capabilities, teamwork And command decision ability. Served as director of the department, organized several major military operations of the equipment support work, the successful coordination of the organization of large-scale technical exchange meeting. During the staffing of the Scouting Office, he became familiar with the political, military and social situation in Taiwan, especially in Taiwan. He successfully completed the intelligence support in major military exercises, air defense operations in Shanghai and the apec meeting in Shanghai.

  Good at writing. Good at summing up the work experience, personally drafted or participated in the drafting of more than 10 experience, research materials were forwarded, in the Liberation Army Daily, Air Force, China Meteorological News, Morning News and other military newspapers As well as from the headquarters to the military at all levels of professional publications published news reports, experience and academic papers. Two scientific resear


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