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经典英语儿童故事 101个儿童英语小故事.docx

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经典英语儿童故事 101个儿童英语小故事.docx

上传人:圭圭 2022/6/27 文件大小:21 KB


经典英语儿童故事 101个儿童英语小故事.docx



经典英语儿童故事 101个儿童英语小故事
  亲身经验事务是儿童理解生活世界的最本初方式,但儿童亲身经验的事务是极其有限的。语言作为生活世界的摹本,为儿童通过语言来理解生活世界供应了条件,倾听故事是儿童理解生活世界的根本方式。 they reached the stream, the donkey fell into the water on purpose.
  The shopkeeper saw through the donkeys trick. He returned to the market and bought sponges instead of salt.
  When they reached the stream, the donkey used his trick again and fell into the water. But this time the trick was on him. The sponges became heavy with water and the weight of his load greatly increased.
  I hope youve learned your lesson, the shopkeeper said to the donkey. If you use a trick to avoid work, you will just end up with more work in the end.
  经典英语儿童故事篇三:The Fox and the crow狐狸与乌鸦
  One day, a fox saw a crow sitting in a tree. The crow had a piece of cheese in her beak, and she sat in the tree to eat it. The fox thought, I want that cheese, and then hr thought of way to get it.

  The fox walked to the foot of the tree and said, Hello, Miss Crow. You look beautiful today.
  Ready? thought the crow while she looked down at the fox.
  The fox said, Your feathers are so colorful and your eyes are so bright. But birds are not only beautiful to look at. They are also beautiful to listen to.
  Miss Crow , your voice is more beautiful than any other bi


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