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上传人:sssmppp 2022/6/28 文件大小:59 KB




文档介绍:家庭影院推荐方案(Home theater recommendations)
Plan 1:
DVD: pioneer 3600 (850 yuan);
Av amplifier: 899 (3600 yuan);
Main speu can add another HP sub-800p (1680 yuan) subwoofer.
Wire: hua min, new dirk.
Solution 8:
DVD: avant-garde dv-slOa,
Av amplifier: tianlong avr - 2802 (RMB 5400),
Main speakers: b&w dm602s2 (3800 yuan, used for the sound box line), b&w dm602s3 (4, 980 yuan),
Surrounding box: b&w dm303 (2980 yuan),
Medium - box: b&w lcr3 (2380 yuan, surrounded and medium - box with a warmin line).
Evaluation: denon avr - 2802 is a relatively good av amplifier, at the same time also has the DTS - es, pro logic ii the decoding function, the style of its voice belongs to compare a receding, delicate high and low frequency control the kind of beautiful,
B&w dm602s2 is best paired with avr - 2802.
For 20 m2 of the sitting room, the DTS - es of 6. 1 -channel format to decorate the effect also good, but, if the 5. 1 -channel format is used to decorate the speakers, should keep avr - 2802 after the track in the illusion of state work mode, so that after the central channel of the average signals will be assigned to the left and right surround channels.
Plan 9:
DVD: pioneer 6500a (2,500 yuan),
Av amplifier: avr - allsr (13500 yuan),
Main speakers: b&w CDM - 7nt (15000 yuan),
Surrounding box: b&w CDM - lnt (7,500 yuan),
Central box: b&w CNT,
Subwoofer: asw 600 active subwoofer,
Wire: VDH.
Solution 10:
DVD: pioneer 6310a (3000 yuan, but decoded to repeat),
Av amplifier: anqiao tx - ds898 (10500 yuan),
Main speakers: UK kef q5 or q7,
Surrounding box: kef q8s,
Central box: kef q9c,
Wire: American hyperspace.
Note: in the future, a pair of kef q8s will be added to the box and a low sound cannon will be added.
Scheme of 11:
DVD player: pioneer 6310a (3000 yuan, but decoding is duplicated);
Av amplifier: tianlong 3803 (7, 500 yuan), yamaha 1300 (4350 yuan);
Main speakers: ae309 (8129 yuan):
Surrounding box: ae301 (2360 yuan);
Chinese box: ae307 (3167


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