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文档介绍:家庭急救处理办法(Home emergency treatment)
An object or a liquid, intraocular foreign bodies of any small, even a grain of sand aid: the body slightly forward, and fingers pinch the lower part of the bridge of the nose cartilage, lasts for about 5~15 minutes. If conditional, put a small ice bag on the bridge of the nose also has the effect of rapid hemostasis.]
Absolutely prohibited: the head will be tilted back to the nose will flow into the mouth, the confusion will inevitably be part of the blood was sucked into the lungs, this is neither safe nor sanitary.
Bright Alert: if the nosebleed continues for 20 minutes, the patient should go to the hospital immediately and seek help from the doctor. If the number of frequent nosebleeds and for no reason, or is accompanied by headache, dizziness and tinnitus, decreased visual acuity and other symptoms, so also must go to the hospital for treatment, because it is likely to be hit by the concussion or brain
Four, scald, scald is divided into three levels: first class scald can cause skin redness and tingling; two degree scald will be seen after the obvious blisters: three burns will lead to skin rupture, black.
Emergency measures: once after scald, immediately will be placed in the hot parts under the flowing water rinse with cool or cold towel, if the burn area is large, the whole body should be filled with cold water soak in the bathtub. Gauze or bandage can be loosely wrapped in burns to protect the wound.
Absolutely prohibited: ice can not be used to treat burns, ice can damage damaged skin, resulting in deterioration of the wound. Don't blisters, otherwise it will leave a scar. Do not apply antibiotics, ointments or oils to the wound. These sticky substances are easily contaminated with dirt.
Bright alarm: three degree burns, electric shock, burns, and burns by chemicals, must go to the hospital for medical treatment. In addition, if a patient has coughs, eyes, tears, or breathing difficulties, professional doctors are


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