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上传人:老狐狸 2022/6/28 文件大小:12 KB




One day, home to eat pears. A pear puts in front of you, the elder brother let take. You guess, Kong Ron

One day, home to eat pears. A pear puts in front of you, the elder brother let take. You guess, Kong Rong took a pear? He did not choose the good, not the big, only took a minimum. Father saw, in the heart is very happy: do not look at this child is four years old, but also really sensible. On deliberately asked Kong Rong: “so many pears, and let you take first, why don”t you take big, just take a minimum?“
Kong Rong replied: “I am young, should take a minimum; big left to eat.“
Father asked him: “you still have a little brother, brother is not smaller than you?“
Kong Rong said: “I am a big brother, I am a brother, I should leave the big brother to eat.“
You see, Kong Rong speaks much better. His father listened, and laughed, “good boy, good boy, really a good boy.“
Kong Rong four years old, know to let pear. Let the elde


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