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文档介绍:I 摘要近年来,随着游戏行业的快速发展, 2D 游戏的市场份额已经大幅下降, 目前 3D 游戏越来越受到广大玩家的欢迎,特别是 3D 赛车游戏,以《极品飞车》为代表的 3D 赛车游戏深受玩家的喜爱。本文使用 AS3 语言,实现了一款网页 3D 赛车游戏,该游戏分为场景渲染、摄像机管理、碰撞检测和氮气加速等四个部分。场景渲染、摄像机管理、碰撞检测是基于 flare3d 游戏引擎技术的实现。赛车在场景中的漫游和碰撞检测构成了游戏的主要组成部分。该项目在利用 flare3d 游戏引擎的基础上,其中主要的工作内容由以下几个方面组成:将 3DMAX 软件制作的游戏场景模型和赛车模型导入到游戏舞台中,完成对游戏的初始化;通过输入模块完成对赛车速度和偏移量的控制;通过管理摄像机类来实现玩家观察视角漫游效果;通过碰撞检测系统使汽车始终行驶在赛道上;通过编写 timer 类来实现三次氮气加速的过程。再将这些整合形成了三维赛车游戏。论文最后对全文进行总结,并对后续工作进行了展望。【关键词】三维 flare3d 赛车游戏碰撞检测 II ABSTRACT 3D racing game is an ponent of the gaming industry. With the development of the game industry, the market share of2D game has dropped, and now more and more players love 3D game, especially the 3D racing game what alway s is player's pet. We achieved a racing game, the game can be divided into the scene rendering, car rendering, sky rendering, car roaming, car tracking system and collision detection. Scene rendering, car rendering and sky rendering make upof the game screen, based on DirectX technology. Car roaming, car tracking system and collision detection make upof the main logic of the game. The game base ona third-party game engine, through a third-party software to make game scenes models and car models, then import into game plete the game initialization; To using the sky box technology to achieve a realistic sky; Through the input module plete the control of the car; Through the class of camera to achieve the effect of roaming; Through the class of car to achie ve the rigid body motion, through the terrain following to holding the car always located above the terrain, through the collision detection system to holding the car always running on the track. And then integrated to form a3D racing game. 【 Key words 】 3D DirectX Car Game Collision System III 目录前言......................................................................................................................... 4 第一章 3D 游戏概论............................................................................................... 4 第一节 3D 游戏


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