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文档介绍:摘要步进电动机又称阶跃电动机或脉冲电动机,它是一种典型的机电一体化器件。步进电动机可以接收数字脉冲信号并转变其为角位移或线位移。本次设计使用的是四相步进电机,而目的是要实现四相步进电机的细分控制,即对四相电流先进行八拍细分,而后再对每拍进行细分,而 FPGA 技术的发展和改善,很有可能实现步进电机的细分,并且可以进行稳定、精确的响应和控制。要想实现基于 FPGA 的四相步进电机细分控制电路设计,首先我要对 FPGA (现场可编程集成电路)进行了解,并按照 FPGA 设计流程进行编写和仿真实现,电路的设计和输入我应用了 VHDL 编程语言,在 Quartus Ⅱ软件上进行了波形仿真,在设计过程中,我应用了PWM 细分驱动技术,从而于每拍电流形成阶梯性向上的波形,由此实现细分的目的。对每个模块儿进行编写和成功仿真后,完成了软件设计部分。硬件设计部分我应用了L298 N驱动集成电路,L298 N能够实现FPG A弱信号的功能放大, 并针对弱信号和强电流的冲突问题在连接中设置了光电耦合器,最终成功驱动步进电机, 实现了步进电机的细分驱动。关键词:步进电机; FPGA; PWM 细分驱动 FPGA based four phase stepping motor subdivision control design Abstract Stepper motor is also called step motor or pulse motor, it isa typical mechatronics device. Stepper motor can receive digital pulse signal and change it into angular displacement or line displacement. This design is the use of four phase stepping motor, and the aim is to achieve the four phase stepping motor subdivision control, namely the four phase current for the first eight shot segmentation, and then to take every segment, and the development of FPGA technology and improved, it is possible to achieve the breakdown of stepper motor , and can bea stable, accurate response and control. In order to realize based on the FPGA four phase stepping motor subdivision control circuit design, first of allI want to understand the FPGA ( field programmable integrated circuit ), and according to the FPGA design process for the preparation of and simulation, circuit design and input I used VHDL programming language, on the Quartus software had waveform simulation, in the design process, I used PWM subdivision driving technology, thus to take every step to form the current waveform, thereby realizing the aim of subdivision. Each of the modules of infants were prepared and essful simulation, completed the part of software design. The hardware design part I used L298N driver integrated circuits, L298N can achieve FPGA weak signal amplifying function, and aiming at the weak signal and the current conflict problem in conne