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文档介绍:**** 大学毕业设计 I 摘要大容量开关器件,好的拓扑结构和最优控制策略,为实现大容量电力电子变换器提供了有效途径,而基于大功率 IGCT 器件的高压变频器的研究则是当今电力电子研究方向的热点之一。集成门极换流晶闸管 IGCT 是最新的开关器件,具有关断电压高、关断电流大、开关频率高、损耗小、可靠性高等特点。它从 GTO 发展而来,结合了 GTO 与IGBT 的优点。凭借这些优点, IGCT 将比 GTO 和IGBT 更具有市场竞争力。因此,对 IGCT 器件,以及基于 IGCT 的高压变频器进行理论分析和实际应用都有重要意义。本文在绪论首先介绍了高压变频器的关键技术和发展,对高压变频器的各种方案进行了比较指出各自的优缺点。分析确定了电流源型高压变频器的主电路结构:采用一体化直流电抗器无变压器双 PWM 变频器拓扑结构。然后,本文从采用一体化直流电抗器无变压器双 PWM 变频器拓扑结构入手,选取出合适的变换电路,并以其为基础,提出 SVPWM 控制方法的理论设计和计算机仿真研究。最后,为使高压变频器运行更加的稳定可靠,对高压变频器的保护电路和控制电路进行了设计研究,针对其中的 IGCT 缓冲保护电路和输出滤波器进行了理论分析。关键词: IGCT ,高压变频器,保护电路 DESIGN OF INVERTERS BASED ON IGCT 安徽理工大学毕业设计 II ABSTRACT The application of high power switching devices , multilevel topology and optional control strategies proves an effective approach to high power converters . Much attention has been focused on the study of high voltage IGCT-basedinverters . theIntegrated mutated Thyristor(IGCT) is the latest power switching device which has many advantages such as high switching-off voltage large turn-off current,high switching frequency,low losses , and high reliability . It is developed from GTO and has the advantages of GT0 and IGBT . With these advantages . IGCT is petitive than GTO and IGBT . Therefore , it is of great value to study the modeling , simulation and experimentation of IGCT and IGCT-based inverters . First of all, this paper briefly introduces the key technologies and development of high voltage converters , compares the various programs of high voltage converter and points out their advantages and disadvantages . Secondly , this paper analyses and ascertains the structure of current · source converter : transformer less and double PWM modulation of CSC with an integrated dc choke . The disadvantage of converter with transformer is pointed out . In this paper , it also describes the principles and features of integrated dc choke which is used to mon mode voltage ina motor drive and gives its design approach . At last this paper provides a kind of realization of the program of