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文档介绍:基于 PLC 的轮式移动机器人操作手控制系统设计摘要:轮式移动机器人操作手是移动机器人一个重要组成部分,随着全球经济的发展、产业重心从制造业向非制造业的转移,人们对机器人的灵活性、独立性、智能化提出了更高的要求,并要求机器人能够在一定范围内安全运动,自主完成特定的任务,增强机器人对环境的学****和适应能力。机器人技术不仅广泛应用于农业、工业,而且也在不断向反恐、社会安全等领域拓展,传统的基座固定式操作手由于工作空间的局限性已经无法满足人们生产生活的需求,而移动机械手的出现很好的弥补了传统机械手的这一缺陷。装配有机械臂的智能移动机器人能够顺次自主地完成一系列动作:选定目标、跟踪并趋近目标、机械臂伸展、夹手抓物、运动到指定位置、机械臂复位等。应用智能机器人可以帮助老年人和残疾人来完成他们日常生活中难以做到的一些操作,解决他们生活上的困难。本设计我首先对移动机器人操作手的背景,现状,研究意义等进行了了解。其次通过查阅资料确定了系统的控制方案。之后确定了机械手的硬件系统组成, 并设计出了系统结构。再次根据系统结构确定了 PLC 输入输出点数,并绘制出了电气原理图,之后对PLC 程序进行了编写并进行了调试。最后利用 GXDeveloper 做出仿真图,对结果进行了归纳总结。【关键词】轮式移动机器人操作手,可编程序控制器(PLC) ,气动机械手 PLC wheeled mobile robot control system design Abstract : Wheeled mobile robot is an important part of mobile robot, along with the development of the global economy, the shift away from manufacturing tonon manufacturing industry, people put forward higher demand on the robot flexibility, independence, intelligent, and requires the robot can move ina certain area, plish the special the task of robot, reinforcement learning on the environment and the ability to adapt. Robot technology isnot only widely used in agriculture, industry, but also in unceasingly to counter-terrorism, social security and other areas of development, the traditional base fixed manipulator due to limitations of space has been unable to meet the people's production and living needs, while the mobile manipulator appears very good to make up for the defect of the traditional manipulator. Equipped with intelligent mobile robot manipulator can sequentially plete a series of actions: the selected target, tracking and control, mechanical arm, clamps the hand grasping, moving to the specified location, reduction and mechanical arm. Application of intelligent robot can help the elderly and disabled people to plish the operation difficult todo in their daily lives, to solve their difficulties in life. This topic is controlled by Mitsubishi Electric Corporation and Siemens PLC, stepper motor drives, stepper motors and other ponents. This art