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文档介绍:altiumdesigner 学****笔记(Altium Designer 学****笔记)
Principle diagram parameter setting
tools - settings schematics: DXP- preferlick components - right click - find similar objects. Expand the 5 volume bars - select filter criteria -same/different
-sketch [Select match] - make sure - the lower right corner of the screen, SCH-SCH, Inspector一Design, Item, ID, modify.
Automatic sorting of components: tool annotations - schematic diagrams, box comments (selected schematic names)
- handle customization - Update - modify list - accept changes - make changes effective
Or perform changes - change reports.
1, build a hierarchy from top to bottom: create a master chart - place - Chart - add the entry of the drawings : design -generate drawings - click on any of the chart symbols to generate.
13, 2, from the bottom up to establish a hierarchical chart: new mother, subgraph schematic diagram - drawing sub schematic, and put the port - the mother of the current file - Design -HDL files or drawings
Generate diagrams - select subgraph - make sure - project -Compile PCB Project [].
1 new schematic Components Library: File - New - Library -principle Library (fourth quadrant drawing), view - tool bar -utility, can display drawing tools.
14 and 2 display component library editor Manager: View - workspace panel -SCH-SCH Library,
1, add new device: add to Library: tool copy component - select component library: add to schematic: select components -place - automatically to schematic
If you change the position after you placed it, you can select the component at the drawing element interface and the new component name - right click - update the schematic block diagram.
15, 2 elements: creating a common library own transfer: File -New - Library - library principle: file - Open -Library Directory - Open - source information - excerpt
The left side of the SCH. .. - find the specific components of the device - double click click device - select CTRL+A- replication - open a new principle