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文档介绍:1 内镜下注射治疗消化性溃疡出血的临床研究【摘要】目的分析比较内镜下注射 1% 乙氧硬化醇和内镜下注射 1: 10 0000 肾上腺素治疗消化性溃疡出血的疗效及安全性。方法选自 2009 年7 月至 2010 年7 月因呕血和(或) 黑便入院, 经急诊内镜检查确诊为消化性溃疡出血患者 120 例,随机分成治疗组和对照组各 60 例。治疗组采用注射 1% 乙氧硬化醇止血治疗, 对照组采用注射 1: 10 000 0 肾上腺素止血治疗,两组患者均由同一位医师操作完成。结果治疗组止血成功率 %(58/60) ,对照组止血成功率为 %(53/57), 两组比较差异无统计学意义() ; 治疗组与对照组止血成功后 3h 内再出血率分别为 % ( 1/58 ), % ( 2/53 ) ,差异无统计学意义( ) ,两组 3~24 h内再出血率分别为 % ( 2/58 ), % ( 9/53 ) ,两组比较差异有统计学意义( ) 。两组患者随访 2 个月再出血率分别为 %(1/58) , %(1/53) , 差异无统计学意义() ; 随访6 个月均未发现再出血。均未发现与治疗相关的并发症。两组患者的外科手术率、住院天数和死亡率差别没有统计学意义。结论内镜下注射硬化剂与肾上腺素均是治疗消化性溃疡出血的安全有效方法,并且内镜下注射乙氧硬化醇治 2 疗。蕌【关键词】内镜治疗; 消化性溃疡出血; 硬化剂; 肾上腺素 Clinical Study of Endoscopic Treatment in Patients with Peptic Ulcer Bleeding HOU Ya 拟 li,HUANG Liu 拟 ye, LIU Yun 拟 xiang. Department of Gastroenterology, Yantai Yu huangding Hospital Afficialed to medical college of Qingdao University, Shandong 264000, China 蕌【 Abstract 】 Objective To evaluate the effect of endoscopic sclerosing agent injection for treatment of Peptic Ulcer Bleeding. Methods From July 2009 to July 2010,120 patients with haematemesis and/or hematochezia diagnosed as peptic ulcer by immediate endoscopy were randomly divided into two groups:endoscopic aethoxysklerolinjection(n=60)and endoscopic 1:100000 epinephrine injection(n=60). All the patients were treated by the same endoscopist. Results The rate of hemostasis in therapy group was %(58/60), that in control group was %(). The re拟 bleeding rates of the 3 earler 3h in the therapy group and control group were %(1/58)and %(2/53),respectively,there was not significant differencEin(). The re拟 bleeding rates between 3h and 24h in the therapy group and control group were %(2/58)and %(9/53),respectively,there wassignificant difference().2 months of follow up was made for the two groups, re拟 bleeding rates in the therapy group and control group were %(1/58)and %(1/53),respectively,there was not significant