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一、单项填空(共10小题;每题1分,总分值10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出 可以填入空白处的最正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
(1 分)Gu Ailing is famous hInstead of continuing a conversation by looking for the opportunity to show off or talk about yourself, go into it with a real interest in what the other person has to say.
Ask open - ended questions
Open - ended questions are a gateway to learning about another person and keeping up a example, rather than asking yes or no questions like nDo you like to travel?”, ask.'*What do you love about traveling? ” (4) .
Developing social skills like active listening doesn't happen a bit of practice, you can improve your listening skills, leading to deeper, more meaningful connections with others.
be interesting, you must be interested.
is hard to read the feelings behind what a person says
shouldn't repeat what the other person has already said.
this kind of question can make them open up about themselves.
may also express their feelings through their facial expressions.
can turn your ear in towards the person in order to hear them better五、综合填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入
(10 分)1 have known that I am colour - blind from my told me that this is a problem
that can often (1)(find)among men but not women.(2)(luck), my problem is not just have difficulty (3) (tell) blue from is said that in some (4)(people)eyes, almost every colour in the world looks doctor also thinks it unnecessary for Spanish bullfighters to make the bull angry with a red cape (披风).They can use any coloured cape because bulls are (5) (complete) colour - blind!
I don't worry too much, I will have to tell some people about my example, if I tell the driving licence office about my problem, it (7) (allow) me to get a driving licence because I can tell red from green! will have no chance to achieve my dream of becoming a pilot. You can't train


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