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中国是茶的故乡,茶文化博大精深,源远流长。看,仙人岭上,茶林相间,春色满园吐芬芳。毛峰翠芽,香珠玉叶,锌硒香茗迎四方。下面就请大家e these three things together, we call it 三才cup
2、品茗杯:it is the tea drinking cup, it is made of porcelain and is small, thin and white. It is also called the若琛(shen)瓯,
若琛 is a person from jiangxi province, who invented this cup in the early qing dynasty
3、杯托:it is the underlay of teaset
4、煮水壶:it is used to boil water
5、茶叶罐:a tin where the tea is stored
6、茶巾:it is used to suck the water on the cup and on the water
7、茶道:it is made of up tea spoon, tea clincher, shovel and the tea pricker
Tea spoon is made of bamboo and is used to put the tea into the pot and get the tea-leaf out of the pot
Tea clincher :it is used to pick up the tea, watch it carefully
and wash to cup
shovel:it is used to get the tea
tea pricker; it is used to make the teapot smooth
二、温杯、洁具:pour into the hot water until half-full,then throw the water out of the teapot. It can warm up the teacup
三、乌龙入宫:we use the shovel to get some tea and put the oolong tea into the teapot
四、悬壶高冲:lift up the pot and pour the water into the pot, the tea-leaf will flowing with the water, in this way, we can wash the tea and force the smell of tea come out
五、春风拂面:we use the cover of teacup to scratch the bubble on the surface
六、若琛出浴:use the tea to warm up the cup, in this process,


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