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Go to the right of the first bend after the start of the game, you can see a fountain. Go to the left to find ah a revolver, shot can be a key step in the following. A color plate can be opened under water A fan, there is a very narrow hole in the top of the fan, which can get round the wrench. Back to the original room, use a spanner to turn the fan off on the opposite side of the room, in the water and a fan, you can turn it off to a warrior,s room and kill him, then find another a circle is the key. . . (the three dragons playing hard, the best side to jump over from spray flame)
The Colosseum
The first record. A block can be pushed into the stone on the right. There is a flower. To go from the authorities have a very narrow hole in the magma above, there is a switch, after walking along the road, you can get gemstone piece, to a four layer the room, a layer of a blood bag, the two layer of a four layer switch, the gun and the blood bag, back to the three layer, on the left there is a rope, pull three, can make the one in the middle of Shitai rise, but only for a limited time. You have to get the other half gemstone piece, to the closed door...
Animation? You need to keep a record of it. After you put down the key, you can jump back two times before you jump to the opposite side. Climb to the opposite side of the wall, take the key from the killed warrior, and finally get the jade...
The base
Find the key in a white cupboard warehouse, find the key hole of the door, go in to kill the people inside, get a card from the dead body. Look around with good stuff. Now what is the building of credit card. The iron screen in a room to be broken. And then to the two floor of a gap place the box to another place. A gap jump when the best first look. You can go to the flat terrain. Him into the open channel, go to the left, saw a motor, a little resistance, killed the guards, picked up the keys. Go to the right side of the room. Have the ammunition and sight ri


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