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文档介绍:路基路面工程(Road - base road works)
Code 02407 roadway pavement engineering
The basic performance of roadbed pavement is ref surface climate zones
natural climate factors have the principle of synthesis and leading role.
The second-level zoning is within each level, and is divided into six grades based on the wet coefficient. The humidity coefficient K is the ratio of annual rainfall R to Z. P14
The problem of pavement structure in this area is to prevent the slurry and frost.
The roadbed is divided into four categories according to its wet conditions: dry, medium wet, wet and wet. In order to ensure the stability of roadbed pavement structure, the roadbed is generally required to be dry or wet.
The height of the roadbed that corresponds to the thickness of the boundary is called the critical height H of the roadbed.
Cushion between soil base and at the grass-roots level, its function is to improve the soil humidity and temperature conditions, to ensure the strength of surface layer and grass-roots, stiffness and stability are not affected by soil water status changes caused by the adverse effects. On the other hand, the function is to spread the load stress of the vehicle under the base, so as to reduce the stress and deformation of the soil foundation. At the same time, it can prevent the roadbed soil from squeezing into the base, affecting the performance of the basic structure.
Usually in the use of surface quality, material composition types and structural strength and stability, and the road surface is divided into four levels: senior road, senior road, middle road, the lower pavement.
Based on the similarity of mechanical properties and design methods of pavement structure, the pavement is divided into three types
: flexible pavement, rigid pavement and semi-rigid pavement.
The base of soil or crushed stone and industrial waste residue containing water hard binding material used in cement, lime and other inorganic combination materials,
The roadbed he