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文档介绍:新引擎曹操传攻略(The new engine, Cao Cao)
The following is a brief introduction of this edition (there may be errors or omissio2 move 53 turn around 6 mobile Diao wasteland 120 morale
XSCBA HP 6 MP growth growth Xiliang 1 mobile force 7 chance combo mountain 120
The pirate SBBAA HP grows 5 MP, grows 1, moves 5, big 120
Taming bear SSCBB HP grows 8 MP, grows 1, moves 6, paralysis attacks forest mountain 120
King XXSXS HP grew 8 MP, grew 2, moving power 7 (at the last few passes, a cattle will join this service (the original emperor, arms, characteristics have been reduced a lot), all terrain 110
The arms feature: active double click, first attack, mobile assault, a fatal blow (use only original equipment treasure, after discharge cannot be installed)
All three arms, third rpm, HP growth, +1
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1. jpg (2009-8-21,
22:42, 87. 19, K)
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3. jpg (2009-8-21,
22:48, , K)
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Picture attachment: 2. jpg (2009-8-21, 22:48, 101. 37, K)
Treasure description
3% green Gangjian Sunder Armor (Level 9, 100% hit 30% armor)
Capable person two + 50 morale action
Dragon Saber weapons attack a fatal blow to the highest
Rosefinch mirror armour defense remote attacks, reduce physical damage by 30%
The use of automatic bean (Pearl kylin armor automatically after 7 meters)
MP MP auxiliary defense
Phoenix feather restoration HP%30 recovery status per turn
Shield of gold protects against ranged attacks and reduces physical damage by 50%
The red horse first assault mobile + attack + Mobile evil way
Chasing clouds two times a month + morale 50
Defense related special attack + eight to attack
Bagua palace penetrates through the palace
A meteor hammer has no arrow to pierce through
Deluxe treasure map in prison, all characters of gorgeous S image (a total of more than 350, to achieve every generals, every arms has a unique image, friendly except)
Although these people are a rotating a


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