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the last leaf 读后感.docx

上传人:麒麟才子 2022/7/3 文件大小:16 KB


the last leaf 读后感.docx



The last leaf 读后感
The last leaf 读后感
社会工作2班 吴丹 201030820223
Prolific American short-story writer, a maste2
The last leaf 读后感
The last leaf 读后感
社会工作2班 吴丹 201030820223
Prolific American short-story writer, a master of surprise endings, who wrote about the life of ordinary people in New York City. Typical for O. Henry"s stories is a twist of plot which turns on an ironic or coincidental circumstance. Although some critics were not so enthusiastic about his work, the public loved it. O. Henry was born William Sydney Porter in Greenboro, North Carolina.
The last leaf is a move story. The hero"s selfless and kindness make him great . In a cold autumn ,unfortunately a young pinter suffer from pneumonia. The doctor said if she have no desire to strggle with the desease,she onle have ten percent to alive. But if she have strong feelings want to survive the doctor will have five percent chance to make her get well. The weakness girl have lost the courage to survive. Everday she count the remaining leaves on the ivy vine throngh the window of the ward. She said , When the last one falls I must go, too. I"ve known that for three days. Didn"t the doctor tell you?. Her friend told she dolt idea to their frind an old painter who always got drank and had been always about to paint a masterpiece, but had never yet begun it. The old painter regarded himself as