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How to Change a Bad Mood 怎样改变坏心情.docx

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How to Change a Bad Mood 怎样改变坏心情.docx

上传人:业精于勤 2022/7/4 文件大小:11 KB


How to Change a Bad Mood 怎样改变坏心情.docx



文档介绍:How to Change a Bad Mood 如何变化坏心情

  Welcome ladies and gentlemen.
  I'm so glad you could join me.
  I hope you're How to Change a Bad Mood 如何变化坏心情

  Welcome ladies and gentlemen.
  I'm so glad you could join me.
  I hope you're in a good mood today.
  Get ready for some wisdom.
  I have some great advice.
  Let's all learn how to change a bad mood.
  Learn to beat the blues.
  Learn to adjust your attitude.
  Listen closely,and I'll tell you how.
  Self-awareness is the first step.
  Realize you are upset.
  Realize that something is bugging you.
  Don't ignore a bad mood!
  Don't tolerate it,either!
  Don't sulk,mope or brood.
  Refuse to feel angry.
  Reject that nasty emotion.
  Decide not to be a sourpuss.
  Second,exercise and take action.
  You must do something healthy.
  You must get off your butt and move.
  A walk or jog can lift your spirits.
  A good workout can cure your gloom.
  Exercise can eliminate a bad mood.
  Physical exercise is stimulating.
  Physical exercise will clear your mind.
  Exercise is the best therapy there is.
  Third,seek fun things to do.
  Seek outlets for your frustration.
  Try healthy,outdoor activities.
  Hit a bookstore or a library.
  Hit the mall or see a movie.
  Buy yourself or someone else a special treat.
  Listen to inspiring misic.
  Listen to the sounds of nature in a park.
  The p


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