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上传人:文库旗舰店 2022/7/4 文件大小:31 KB




Ⅰ说教材(教材分析)Analyzing teaching material
1. 本课在教材中的地位status and function
The lesson is focused on the topfective learning methods to optimize Ss learning effects.
4.  说教学辅助teaching aids (A multi-media computer, Blackboard,etc)
The teaching syllabus says that it’s necessary for teachers to use modern teaching facilities. It’s of great help to increase the class density and improve our teaching results. It can also make the Ss reach a better understanding of the text by making the classes lively and interesting. At the same time, it arouses the Ss interest in learning English.
Ⅱ说教法 Teaching methods
Task-based language teaching & study-plan teaching teaching method: New Syllabus Design encourages teachers to use this teaching method. TBLT can stimulate Ss initiative in learning and develop their ability in language application. Make the Ss the real masters in class while the teacher himself acts as the director and bring their ability into full play.
 Study methods
1. Teach Ss how to be successful language learners.
2. Teach Ss how to communicate with others; how to learn new words; how to learn independently;
3. Get the Ss to form good learning habits.
Ⅲ 说教学过程Teaching procedures
I. Teaching Aims:
the basic patterns of Non-predicate Verb.
with some typical exercises.
II. Teaching Key Points
to help students better understan


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