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  禁止吸烟的英语作文 篇1
Nowadays, many school students smoke, and the number is growing increasingly, which makes
Remove cigarette vending cigarette prices by adding higher tobacco taxes and use the money for antismoking campaigns.
  禁止吸烟的英语作文 篇3
Nowadays many countries in the world have passed laws to ban smoking in public places. Some smokers claim that their rights are infringed if smoking is forbidden in public places. However, most non-smokers regard the ban as good news. As far as I’m concerned, smoking should be banned in all the public places such as restaurants, theaters and public squares.
On the one hand, smoking is harmful both for smokers themselves and others. It is reported that every year smoking causes millions of death around the world. On the other hand, smoking pollutes the air. Just imagine that you sit in a restaurant full of smoke, how can you enjoy your meal there? Besides, smoking is bad for the elevation of a country’s image in the world.
I believe if smoking is banned in all the public places, most of us will breathe in more fresh and clean air. And the health condition of all the people will be greatly improved.

  禁止吸烟的英语作文 篇4
Some businesses now say that ao one call smoke cigarettes in any of their offices. Some governments have banned smoking in all public places. This is a good idea though it takes away some of our freedom.
As we know, smoking is harmful not only to our health but also to the environment. Smoking can lead to many diseases, such as lung cancer. Smoking affects non smokers more than it does smokers. Ratio of passive smokers getting ill is higher than that of smokers. So, many nonsmokers are against smoking.
In public places, the harm of smoking is greater. This is connected with another effect of smoking. That is, smoking pollutes environment by giving much poisonous vapour off in


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