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文档介绍:铁路客运运价规则(Railway passenger rate rules)
Railway passenger transport price, railway passenger rate rules
Railway passengreight mileage of passengers and luggage?
Passenger and baggage parcel tickets and freight miles are calculated according to the mileage table of railway passenger transport, published by the competent department of railways under the state council.
What should be done when the two or more lines are crossed and at the station?
When the two or more lines are crossed and above, it shall be calculated according to the specified data.
How to calculate the mileage by ferry?
When passing ferry, the specified ferry mileage should be included in the mileage calculation.
What is the passenger ticket mileage?
Passenger fare miles, according to the actual path of passenger travel.
What is the baggage rate mileage calculated?
The mileage of luggage is calculated according to the actual route of luggage.
What about passengers asking for luggage to be delivered by the approach route?
Passengers are required to travel by near track if they have a direct train.
How do you handle the ticket size for the distance of the ticket?
More than the ticket ends at the distance of the baggage billing path.
How to calculate the freight mileage?
The package freight mileage is calculated according to the shortest path and the specified path is calculated according to the specified path.
What is the minimum mileage of passenger fares, luggage and parcel rates?
Calculate the passenger ticket price, the minimum mileage of luggage and parcel rate is: 20 km for passenger ticket: Air conditioning ticket 20 km; Speed up 100 km; Berth 400 km (except as otherwise provided in special section) ; Luggage 20 km; Cover 100 kilometers.
passenger fares
What are the passenger fares?
The ticket price includes two parts:
Ticket price: hard seat, soft seat ticket price.
Additional ticket price: divided into acceleration, berth, air conditioning ticket price.
What is the pass


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