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unit 2 sports events语言点(二)巩固练习.doc

上传人:逍遥小书生 2022/7/6 文件大小:18 KB


unit 2 sports events语言点(二)巩固练习.doc



文档介绍:第 1 页
Unit 2 Sports events语言点(二)
1. He lost his_________(平衡) and fell.
2. Reference books must not be _s ____ all over the world.
A. companies B. branches
C. organizations D. businesses
4. —Has your former classmate come back from America?
—Yes, he ____here for eight years.
A. has stayed B. is staying
C. stayed D. had stayed
5. She will tell us why she feels so strongly that each of us has a role _____ in making the earth a better place to live in.
A. to have played B. to play
C. to be played D. to be playing
6. Several houses were pulled down to make way ____ a park.
第 3 页
A. for B. to C. with D. of
7. Don’t get _____ in this kind of matter. It’s none of your business.
A. intended B. connected
C. attached D. involved
8. I don’t think ____ possible to master a foreign language without a lot of memory work.
A. this B. that C. as D. it
9. A group of girl students practised ____ in the hall.
A. to sing and to dance B. to sing and dancing
C. singing and dancing D. sung and danced
10. Many of the problems had their origin _____ post-war Europe.
A. on B. of C. to D. in
11. The new bus service will ____ the students’ needs.
A. share B. ensure C. determine D. meet
12. She went out angrily _____ I realized what was happening.