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文档介绍:陕西交通职业技术学院毕业设计(论文) 题目榆林晶鑫比亚迪4S 店售后客户流失分析系部: 汽车工程系专业: 汽车技术服务与营销学号: 020331202606 班级: 汽贸 1226 班姓名: 吕力涛指导老师: 赵苑 2015 年5月1日陕西交通职业技术院榆林晶鑫比亚迪 4S 店售后客户流失分析摘要汽车作为提高生活质量和工作效率的交通工具, 逐渐走进寻常百姓家庭。由此推动了汽车产业进入快速发展的轨道去, 汽车消费将成为一个新的亮点, 潜在的汽车消费市场孕育着巨大的商机, 而汽车营销市场的快速发展与营销人才需求的矛盾日益突出。就此 4S 店的管理制度也日益完善,尤其在服务方面,各家 4S 店更是重视,与其说 4S 店之间比的是销量, 还不如说 4S 店之间比的是服务, 没有好的服务就没有好的销量, 这是每个 4S 店都透明的答案, 所以各家 4S 店都在完善自己的管理制度,让自己的服务更好,销量也能够提升. 关键词: 汽车,管理制度,服务,销量 2 A utomobile sales promotion strategy for analysis ABSTRACT The car as to improve the quality of life and work efficiency of transportation, gradually into ordinary family. The auto industry has entered a rapid development track, car consumption will e a new bright spot, the potential auto market gestates tremendous business opportunities, while the rapid development of automobile marketing and marketing talent demand contradiction. Chinese market will e the global panies to participate in petition strategic market, market strategy change, possibly to Chinese car to e the global automotive manufacturing center offers opportunities for automobile industry. Recent changes in three, led to the Chinese auto market may produce major change, Chinese automobile industry has the opportunity to e the global manufacturing center and innovation center. The car as to improve the quality of life and work efficiency of transportation, gradually into ordinary family. The a