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文档介绍:: .
Federal Commmore than four subscriber access
ments. lines.
(b) The interstate portion of deferred Repair of registered terminal equip-
taxes, customer deposits and other de- ment and registered protective circuitry.
ferred credits shall be determined as Responsibility of grantee of equip-
prescribed by 47 CFR part 36. ment registration.
Cross reference.
(c) The interstate portion of other Notice of non-hearing aid compat-
long-term liabilities (Account 4310) ibility.
shall bear the same proportionate rela- Registration of digital systems com-
tionships as the interstate/intrastste ponents.
expenses which gave rise to the liabil-
ity. Subpart D—Conditions for Registration
[54 FR 9049, Mar. 3, 1989, as amended at 62 FR Labeling requirements.
15118, Mar. 31, 1997] Environmental simulation.
Leakage current limitations.
Hazardous voltage limitations.


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