文档介绍:2022 9 30 9
口腔疾病防治 年 月 第 卷 第 期
680 2
1. West China School of Stomatology, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, China; 2. Mental Health Center, West
China Hospital of Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, China
Corresponding author: LI Mingli, Email: ******@, Tel: 86⁃28⁃85422633
Dental anxiety refers to the unique tension, worry and even fear of dental treatment, which may lead to pa⁃
tients refusing to receive treatment and missing the best time for treatment. With the development of bio⁃psycho⁃social
medical models, psychotherapy has gradually become the optimal treatment for dental anxiety. This article reviewed the
etiology, evaluation and psychotherapy of dental anxiety. Research has shown that uncomfortable dental treatment expe⁃
rience is the main cause of dental anxiety, which is commonly assessed using questionnaires in clinical practice. Psycho⁃
therapy for dental anxiety is a noninvasive, widely applicable treatment without side effects, mainly including improving
the treatment environment and service attitude, behavior therapy, and cognitive therapy, which has been shown to effec⁃
tively alleviate dental anxiety in patients. However, psychotherapy for dental anxiety is highly demanding for dentis