目 录
一、前言 __________________________________________________ - 2 - 二、认识公式 _______________________________ject. But in today's society attaches great importance to the quality of education, "school choice hot" continues unabated, reflecting the regional imbalance in the allocation of teachers; " School choice hot "is the substance behind the" optional. " In other words, the teacher's specialization levels directly determine the quality of school education level, social
魔方是3x3x3的三阶魔方,英文名 Rubik's cube 。是一个正 6 面体,有6种颜色,由26块组成,有8个角块,12个棱块,6个中心块,和中心轴支架相连,见下图,
g rural primary and secondary school level and quality will naturally be to achieve balanced development of urban and rural ethe background of the times, and narrowing the development gap between urban and rural areas, is the proper meaning. Improvin under young teacher professional development survey, introduction in the country carrying out the scientific concept of developmentosals so as to enhance the effectiveness of young teachers ' professional development to guide the work, targeted. Keywords: t proponal growth of good measures, and good approach, For my school teachers, especially younger teachers professional developmens, looking for professional growth path, and through research, excavations some can effective upgrade young teachers professiquiry I school young teachers of professional growth statugreen Tang town middle school young teachers of professional development status of survey, aimed at through investigation, in--ation, we subject group determine has this times research child subjectgreen Tang town middle school young teachers professional growth of basic situ--letely found out I schoolGreen Tang town middle school young teachers professional development status survey report Luton report summary based on comp-of school education level, social"is the substance behind the" optional