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文档介绍:河南省抵押条例(Mortgage regulations of the Henan)
Standing Committee of the people' s Congress of Henan province (promulgated ixth of the following property or right may set mortgage:
(1) the right to the use of the land in accordance with the law;
(two) housing and other buildings:
(three) machines, instruments, vehicles and other equipment:
(four) bills, bonds, shares, warehouse receipts and other negotiable securities:
(five) the patent right in accordance with the law and the property right in the copyright:
(six) convertible foreign currencies:
(seven) gold, silver, jewelry and their products:
(eight) trees, orchards:
(nine) household appliances, raising things:
(ten) the goods supervised by the customs:
(eleven) other property or rights not expressly prohibited by law or regulations prohibiting mortgage or transfer.
Before the property or rights provisions of the mortgage set, its effectiveness and collateral material, from the right and fruits, except from third people have set in front of the right of mortgage.
Where a mortgage is set up in the form of securities designated under subsection (four), the bearer of the securities must be notified. Without the written consent of both parties, the applicant shall not apply for the loss of the report or apply for public notice.
Article seventh the following property or right shall not be mortgaged:
(1) the law prohibits the transfer of natural resources, property or rights:
(two) the property or right that the mortgagor does not enjoy the ownership or legal person property right:
(three) public facilities such as schools, kindergartens, hospitals and nursing homes, except for private ownership
(four) farmland and reservoirs, water conservancy facilities;
(five) property or rights disputed by ownership:
(six) property which has been sealed up in accordance with the law, detained or taken as a safeguard measure: (seven) religious property: (eight) other property or right that may not be mortgaged un


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