文档介绍:Measures of Conservation and Restoration for the Development of Wetland Park湿地公园建设中的湿地保护与恢复措施李伟崔丽娟赵欣胜张曼胤王义飞康晓明张亚琼(中国林业科学研究院湿地研究所,湿地生态功能与恢复北京市重点实验室,北京, 100091 ) Li Wei CUI Li-Juan ZHAO Xin-Sheng ZHANG Man-Yin WANG Yi-Fei KANG Xiao-Ming ZHANG Ya-Qiong (Institute of Wetland Research , Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing Key Laboratory of Wetland Services and Restoration, Beijing 100091) 摘要从湿地公园定义及效益分析入手,分析了湿地公园建设中的保护及恢复措施。保护措施主要是通过隐蔽条件建设、生境岛营造、繁殖巢构建、建设生态廊道、野外投食以及建设生态围栏和警示牌等,达到保护湿地生物的目的; 恢复措施主要包括基质恢复、植被恢复、水环境恢复以及岸坡恢复等。湿地保护与恢复措施的实施可为我国湿地公园建设与管理提供技术支撑。关键词湿地公园;建设;保护;恢复 tt This paper tries to analyze the measures for conservation and restoration of wetland park in terms of de fi nition and bene fit of the wetland park. Conservation measures include construction of shelter facilities, establishment of habitat islands, construction of breeding nests, building of ecological corridors, field feeding facilities, construction of ecological fences and setting up warning signs, these measures were aimed to protect the anisms in the wetland park. Restoration measures mainly include restoration of wetland sediments, vegetation restoration, water environmental restoration and shore restoration. The measures for wetland conservation and restoration would provide a technical basis to support the development and management of wetland parks in China. Key words Wetland park, Wetland, Conservation, Re