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文档介绍:浮吊式起重机(Derrick crane)
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Related technical problem analysis of crane control
Analysisonverter has a wide range of speed regulation, which can be set to decelerate time
Good low speed moment features make electricity
The motivation can be large and smooth at the start and acceleration
The access of the brake unit also makes the electric power
Sufficient braking torque can be obtained during deceleration and parking. The above features guarantee the frequency conversion speed regulation system
Good speed response performance.
The speed of the multi-segment speed can be adjusted independently, and various speeds can be set according to the operation
Line of work.
The steady starting and braking characteristics of the converter reduce the mechanical shock and reduce the structural loss
Starting current
Small, in frequent starting and braking reduce motor heat loss, extend motor life
The frequency converter itself is highly reliable
The common standard equipment, the failure rate is very low, the failure rate of the whole machine after the converter is lowered, the maintenance quantity is decreased,
The efficiency of the work is increased indirectly.
In order to improve the reliability of operating devices, a multi-stage speed adjustable speed regulation is adopted.
Frequency conversion is low speed
There are obvious power saving effects in the case of acceleration and deceleration. The system is chosen by the Japanese company anchuan 616 g
Series crane special frequency converter, which can easily realize closed-loop vector control,
Achievable high
Speed control ratio, high precision speed control, zero speed can be achieved
Rated torque is widely used
Lifting industry. Each motor is the rotor series resistance of rotor motor, which is not required to be more
= = = = = = = = = 2 pages = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Change the motor, only the motor rotor circuit is short.
Control syste


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