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Module 1 Unit 1 1 I. By land:coach,bus,train,car,taxi,subway By sea:ferry,ship,boat By air:spaterm,like,pupils,smaller,fewer,ties,pool,computer,library,sounds, both 2 1 ,have ,as 略 One possible version: Susie and I study in different 's school has more students than are about 700 pupils in her school,but only 500 in Susie's class,there are only thirty pupils,while we've got her school,students sit around tables in the classroom,but we sit in for sports areas,there is a swimming pool and a huge sports ground in her can enjoy doing different sports my school,there's no swimming pool,but there's also a sports ground which is as big as Susie' think we both have great schools to study in. Unit 2 1 -school education school education 2 ,both II. at,since hour away from a break of ' meeting 略 One possible version: I'm Tom and I study in Middle go to school every starts at 8:10 am and ends at 3:10 have four lessons in the lesson lasts 45


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